Gerald Lee Smith
January 22, 1934 ~ July 5, 2012
Gerald Lee Smith, 78, of Weirton, passed away Thursday, July 5, 2012 at his home. Born January 22, 1934 in Holliday's Cove, WV, he was a son of the late Nelson Stuart and Sarah Katherine Campbell Smith. He was also preceded in death by his brothers Nelson S. Smith, Jr. and Richard L. Smith and sister Lois Jones.
In 1991, Gerald retired from Weirton Steel, where he served as a computer operator in the general office. He was a member of Weirton Elks Lodge 1801 and Weirton Moose Lodge 688. During the Korean War, he served in the United States Air Force.
Mr. Smith is survived by his sisters Marsha Willey of Calcutta, OH and Sandra Ballinger of Vienna, VA and several nieces and nephews
Visitation will be held Monday from 1 until the 4PM funeral services at the Greco-Hertnick Funeral Home, 3219 Main Street, Weirton, WV. Interment will be in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Weirton.
Marsha and Sandy, I was your neighbor on Claremont. I remember you as part of my childhood. Marsha I have a picture of you and I sitting on a porch across the street from your house. I rem. Gerry who I think we called Porky. I have wondered about you all thru the years. My condolences. Anne Culley Verdin
Dear Family of Smitty, Sincere sympathy to you on the passing of your brother. When I first started to work at WSC office, Smitty and I would carpool. That was so many years ago. He was so kind to everyone and very well liked. Smitty retired and I took another career path (R.N.). From time to time, we would run into each other at Marland Heights Pharmacy and just chat a while. Keep his memory alive in your hearts until you one day meet again.
Aunt Marsha , Aunt Sandy, I am so sad Uncle Jerry passed i just found out last night . I was just going to call too. He will be missed so much by me. When i was a teen and lived with him and my dad and Memee.I will always cherish that time , between him and i at that time we hardly talked, we both were like that. As adults we talked , i always thought that was funny , he was a good man a good Uncle . Vicki contacted and found my brother Richard last night. I hope you both get this , i love you both and if you get this e-mail me if you can . I’m angels112659@yahoo,com . I think since i’m posting i should not put my number and address. So sorry about Uncle Jerry and so is Richard and Lisa… Laura Jo Putnam (Smith) P.s Thank Vicki for us…
Oh i almost forgot , out of my 6 children , my youngest is named Carter LEE. Thought i would share that with you- I hope to hear from you both, Laura